Home address
Country club Apartments,
2800 Woods blvd. CCA # 711
Lincoln, NE 68505, USA

Home Phone
1-(402) 423 2973
University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Department of Mechanical Engineering
N106 Walter Scott Engineering Center
P.O. Box. 880656
Lincoln, NE 68588-0656 USA
Office Facsimile
1-(402) 472 7793
Office Phone
1-(402) 472 3793
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science, February 1995 - December 1996, Victoria University of Technology, Footscray, Victoria Australia.
PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Sept 1982-August 1986, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
: A Full time course emphasis on Energy systems, Thermodynamics, Heat transfer
and Fluid Mechanics.
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Dec 1979 - May 1982, Michigan Technological University,
Houghton, Michigan 49931, USA : A full-time course emphasis on Energy systems,
Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics.
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Sept 1974 - July 1978, Dokuz Eylul University,
Mechanical Engineering Dept.(formerly known as Ege University Mech. Eng.
Dept.), Izmir, Turkey : A Full time course in Mechanical Engineering.
University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Mechanical Engineering Department
Associated professor August
- Teaching second and third
year thermodynamics, Power Plant design and heating ventilating and air
conditioning design courses
Gebze Institute of High
Technology, Computer Science Department
Lecturer September
1999 – 2001
- Teaching graduate level
java programming language
Marmara Research Center, Energy Systems and Environmental Research Inst.
August 1998 – August 2001
- System study and selection
for Gölcük naval base co-generation power plant
- Energy storage technology,
battery research
- Fuel cell technology
research and development
- Energy management courses
for food and glass industry
- Coordinator of military
energy projects
Dokuz Eylül University, Mechanical Engineering Dept. Bornova IZMIR TURKEY
Associated professor
April 1998 - August 1998
- Teaching java programming
language, heat exchangers, combustion and refrigeration.
System Division, Ceramic
Fuel Cells Limited, Churchill, Victoria, Australia
August 1995 - April 1998
- Researching, developing and
designing of solid oxide fuel cell systems such as heat exchangers,
catalytic reformers, de-sulfurizers.
- Computer Simulations of
fuel cell system, including properties of gas and gas mixtures, pipe
flows, heat exchangers, electro-chemical reactions of the fuel cell, thermochemical
reactions and thermochemical equilibrium analysis of adiabatic catalytic
reformers in c++ , java and fortran computer languages.
- Developing control system
and control software by using CITEC real time control software/language
and PLCs.
- Testing and evaluating
experimental results for further advancement in fuel cell systems.
Victoria University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering Dep.,Footscray, Victoria, Australia
Associated Professor February
1995 - August 1995
- Lecturing Computer aided
drawing by using AutoCAD, thermodynamics and solid mechanics.
Ballarat University, Department of Engineering, Ballarat,
Victoria, Australia
Associated Professor Dec
1989 - August 1995
- Lecturing of first, second
and third year Thermodynamics which includes heat transfer and fluid static,
Second and third year fluid mechanics, computer aided drawing and
production management
- Researching on combustion,
alternative fuel sources, environmentally friendly refrigeration systems,
engine driven solar boosted heat pumps.
- Developing computer
simulation programs for real gas equations, thermo chemical equilibrium ,
thermodynamic cycles and processes in FORTRAN, C, Mapple and Matlab
Imperial Chemical
Industries (ICI) Dulux Engineering Head Office, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia
Project Design Engineer
June 1988 - Nov 1989
- Design and development of
new completely computer controlled resin plant
- Calculating and selecting
of pipe sizing and flow conditions for various chemicals.
- Selection of pumps and
vacuum systems.
- Calculating and selecting
of safety relief systems for runaway reaction, pressure, thermal and fire
- Designing and selection of
cleaning systems.
- Design specifications,
heating and cooling calculations of chemical reactors.
- Calculation and selection
of thermal insulations, steam and heat tracing of vessel and pipe.
Energy Drilling, Test and Utilisation
Division, Drilling Department, Mineral
Research, Test and Exploration General Directorate (MTA), Ankara, Turkey.
Geothermal Energy R&D
August 1986 - April 1988
- Designing, Constructing and
testing of a central, geothermally heated ammonia-water absorption air
conditioning system for a state-owned hotel.
- Developing computer
simulation of Ammonia-Water absorption system in FORTRAN language.
- Designing of Seferihisar
geothermal greenhouse heating project.
- Designing of geothermal
corrosion resistant down-hole heat exchangers/boilers, developing computer
simulations for these systems.
University of Utah, Dep. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
System Consultant for
Digital VAX Computer
Oct 1984 - June 1986
- Operating of the computer
- Helping and teaching of the
system programs and languages such as CAD - CAM, Finite elements, FORTRAN,
VMX VAX Macro, DSNP (Dynamic Simulation for Nuclear Power Plants), ASPEN,
Pascal to system users.
University of Utah, Dep. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
March 1983 - Sept 1984
- Designing, Installing and
Operating of a direct contact, three-phase heat exchanger facility with a
fairly large (about 0.6 m diameter and 6 m in height) contactor. This type
of heat exchangers can be used in binary-geothermal and solar-pond power
- Developing computer model
of one dimensional direct contact three-phase exchangers that simulated
the motion and heat transfer of the bubbles of hydrocarbons or freons as
they flow through water and changing phase from liquid to vapour.
University of Utah, Dep. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Teaching Assistant
Sept 1984 - June 1986
- Lecturing of
Thermodynamics, Heat transfer, Thermal System Design, Numerical analysis
and Statics.
- Assisting for preparation
of solutions for the text book entitled "Design of Thermal
Systems" by R.F. Boehm.
Michigan Technological University, Houghton,
Michigan, USA
Teaching Assistant
March 1980 - Feb 1982
- Lecturing of Thermodynamics,
Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Numerical Analysis.
Aras Air Compressors, Izmir, Turkey
Design Engineer
July 1978 - October 1978
- Designing of new air
compressors and centrifugal pumps, production flow and quality control.
- Java 2 programming (in
Turkish : Java 2 programlama klavuzu), ALFA publishing company, ticarethane
sok no 41/1 34410 cagaloglu Istanbul, turkey, ISBN 975-316-631-1
- Energy recovery systems in
solid oxide fuel cell systems, International Symposium on Transport
Phenomena, Istanbul, Turkey, July
16-20 2000, Istanbul,
- Finite difference
simulation of water-exhaust gases evaporator in solid oxide fuel cell
systems, International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Istanbul,
Turkey, July
16-20 2000, Istanbul,
- "Performance of a
Three- Phase, Spray Column Direct Contact Heat Exchanger",
Transactions of ASME, JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER, February 1989, Volume 111,
pp. 166-172.
- "Seferihisar-Cumali
Geothermal Area, Greenhouse Heating Project and Applications",
Proceedings of United Nations Farm and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)
Solar and Geothermal Energy Greenhouse Heating Conference, 1988.
- "A Parametric Study of
a Three-Phase, Spray Column, Direct-Contact Heat Exchanger", Proceedings
of the 1978 ASME - JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, 1987, Vol.
- "Numerical Modeling of
Three Phase Direct Contact Heat Exchangers", PhD Dissertation, University
of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah,
- "Numerical and
Experimental Modeling of Three Phase Direct contact Heat Exchangers",
Eight International Heat Transfer Conference, Paper No. 5a-08, 1985.
- "Evaluation of Flooding Limits of a Direct Contact
Three-Phase Spray Column", American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) Paper 85-HT- 49, 1985.
- Advanced programmer of the
following Programming languages:
- Java
- C, C++
- Basic
- Pascal
- Lisp
- Parallaxis (parallel
programming language)
- Occam (parallel
programming language)
- CITECT (real time control
interface language)
- Advanced programmer in the
following thermal/thermochemical system simulation languages:
- DSNP (Dynamic Simulation
of Nuclear Power plants), ASPEN PLUS and HYSYS
- Very good in numerical
analysis, finite elements and system simulations of thermochemical,
fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer system simulations.